It is one of the most exclusive districts of Abuja and houses virtually all of the federal cabinet ministers; in addition, the Presidential Palace (commonly referred to as the Aso Rock) is in Asokoro district. You can embed, print or download the map just like any other image. As a chapter, it does not attempt to write a full geography of the FCT, but rather it has highlighted the major issues to give the readers a spatial perspective of the region. An important feature of FCT structure is its division into many districts. Population and settlements are usually concentrated on plains, Sources for rich mineral resources like petroleum and coal, Depositional plains have rich fertile soils for agriculture, Plains favour communication as roads, railways, airports are better built on level lands, Rivers in plains provide water for domestic purposes and transportation, Plains are good for rearing of animals in areas of low rainfall, The North-Central Highlands: It lies in the centre of Northern Nigeria around parts of Kano, Kaduna, Bauchi, Jigawa and Plateau states. The hilly and dissected terrain: This region covers 48 percent of the FCT. The species found here are similar to those found at the woodland. The soil develops near foot of wooded hills, characterized by abundance of rock fragments, stone and boulders in the profiles. River Niger, the largest river in Nigeria has its source from the Guinea highland in Guinea. The existence of settlements in various areas tends to influence: Major roads are often built to connect major cities, towns and villages to each other. For example, it is common to see people in cues in filling stations to buy fuel and power their generators at home and places of business, and generators noise and smoke sensed everywhere. By virtue of this fact, Asokoro is the most secure area of the city. Garki II is used to differentiate the area from Garki Area 2. }
To address this congestion, in 1992 Swiss voters approved the construction of a massive 35-mile (57-km) rail tunnel beneath the existing St. Gotthard tunnels. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. It is a very important segment of the environment and is the most desirable and potent resource of a nation, if properly planned, managed and developed. Lowlands: Lowlands refer to the areas below 300m above sea level. mh_atlas.set('w', 'atlas/9n00-6e50/maps/shaded-relief-map/'); Also sometimes you may see linear settlements along the banks of rivers. Answer (1 of 2): Nigeria is drained by two main rivers - River Niger and River Benue. It was the first planned city to be built in Nigeria. Dawam, P.D. Some of them includ e the General Post Office, Abuja International Conference Centre along the busy Herbert Maculay Way, Nicon Luxury Hotel (formerly known as Abuja Sofitel Hotel and Le Meridian), Agura Hotel, and Old Federal Secretariat Complex Buildings (Area 1). This condition is then replaced by a few days of bright clear skies (Abuja Master Plan, 2000). In very dry areas distinct types of vegetation such as scrub may be found. This implies that human population varies temporally and spatially. mh_atlas.set('nw', 'atlas/9n35-6e50/maps/shaded-relief-map/'); The Ganagana people are said to have small ethnic groups: Dibo, Gupa, Kakanda and kami. The savannah woodland are fire resistant and most luxuriant. This makes it possible to grow forest root crops and savannah crops. Usuma and Gurara are the biggest rivers in the territory. Identify the major lowlands in Nigeria. When discussing about vegetation, animals are implicitly discussed because it is within the vegetation that animals are accommodated. Commission (Zone 3), Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC). Adakayi, P.E (2000), Vegetation of the FCT in Geography of the Federal Capital Territory. The Federal Capital Territory has two major geological belts, which in turn influence the local soil. Since the population of the city has been growing at a fast rate. abujaoipedia; In other words, they are naturally depressed low land areas. It also contains the Three Arms Zone, which is home to the presidential palace, the National Assembly, the Supreme Court, the National Arboretum, the National Christian Centre, the National Mosque, and Millennium Park, the largest park in Abuja; the National Childrens Park and Zoo is nearby. From there they migrated to the central and North Western parts of modern Nigeria. The following are hints to follow when you describe drainage in topographical map. 5.0 Summary Nigeria may be divided into three large relief blocks. While the lower course flows through sedimentary rocks having some small run-offs. Maphill maps are and will always be available for free. Steep slopes are often sparsely populated or even uninhabited. Consequently, many crops are grown in the FCT, both root crops like yams and cassava, legumes (groundnuts and cowpea), grains(maize, sorghum and rice), seeds and nuts (melon seeds and beniseed), animals products (goat, cattle, sheep and poultry), fruits and vegetables. });
De-stress in the health club or do business in one of 24 meeting rooms. Relief and drainage| Part 1| | UP-PCS | UPPSC| Physical Features |GEOGRAPHY OF INDIA,relief,drainage,watershed,drainage basindrainage systemwater divide,wate. They are also found around Robo and Afara Bakwoi, Angyana and Yawuti. The major crops cultivated are yams, cassava, maize, guinea corn, beans, beniseed , groundnuts, melon, millet, cocoyam, etc. Allocated Reg. Igah and Ayileka (2002) observed that a decade after 1991 movement from Lagos to Abuja, the FCT has become a bustling modern metropolis whose population is believed to have exceeded 1.5 million inhabitants and over 3 million including satellite towns and villages. wg_stale_nahore();
Abuja OIPedia - Proudly powered by Creatify Inc. Abuja OIPedia is an extensive cultural repository for the Original Inhabitants of Abuja; here you can search and find diverse things about the nine (9) indigeneous tribes of Abuja. Minna. As the result of its location on the windward side of the Jos Plateau, FCT experiences frequent rainfall and a noticeable increase in the mean annual total from the South to the North. The Gade group has been traced to two Doma brothers. Transparency for Nigeria. Igah, E. And Ayileka, O. The estate was built by the administration of General Sani Abacha and is the largest of its kind in Africa. This figure seems to be an understatement of the population of the city based on what one observes. Relief of Nigeria can be grouped into two main classes which are lowlands and highlands. Wuse District is in the northwestern part of the city, with the Maitama District to its north and the Central District to its south. Tantaline is a black mineral. Abuja OIPedia is an extensive cultural repository for the Original Inhabitants of Abuja; here you can search and find diverse things about the nine (9) indegeneous tribes of Abuja. This makes the crown of park savannah look discontinuous when viewed from the top. On a map you may be able to see how relief affects: Relief affects the way water flows. mh_atlas.set('s', 'atlas/8n30-7e40/maps/shaded-relief-map/'); There may be areas of cultivated land indicated on your map. National Agency for Food and Drugs Ad ministration (NAFDAC), National Population Commission (Zone 7), Wuse General Hospital, and the Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation. There are many of the mineral resources that can be harnessed for development of the territory and the country at large. The structure of the soil is stronger and more resistant to erosion. Most rivers in Nigeria are shallow and full of silt. Areas of lowlands in Nigeria: Areas of lowlands in Nigeria and their altitudes or heights are as follows: The Sokoto plain in the North West (200-300m) The Niger-Benue trough/valley (100-300m) Select another style in the above table. Also hospitals, schools, churches and recreational facilities (among other things) are often located in these settlements. 2.2 Relief and Drainage The topography of the Abuja is varied with the lowest elevations in the extreme southwest at the floodplains of the River Gurara, about 76 m above sea level . Online Nigeria(2002), FCT: Natural Resources and Development. Interesting buildings include the. They represent the highest zone in Nigeria. It has been said that Maphill maps are worth a thousand words. The Western Highlands: The Western highland or upland is found in the western part of Nigeria around Oyo, Ondo, Kwara and Osun states. The Federal Capital Territory falls within the transition zone between the southern forest zone and northern grassland zone. Drainage. The texture is loamy sand topsoil and sand clay B horizon. The Local Government is sub-divided into four developmental areas, namely: Buruku, Tyowanye, Abwa, and Mbalagh development areas. The mix in the FCT of various ethnic groups due to intense socio-cultural interactions at different levels has occurred among the people over a long period of time. In terms of religion, FCT is represented by the major religions of Christianity, Islam and African Traditional Religion. Onokerhoraye (2002) observed that the increase in the population of Nigeria has been due to decline in mortality rate, especially infant mortality made possible by knowledge of high standards of hygiene and better medical care; the emergence of peace and political order which brought an end to frequent inter and intra-tribal wars; and high fertility rates. The FCC-Abuja sits within the wider Abuja Municipal Area Council (AMAC). Get a free map for your website. The flat shaded relief map represents one of many map types available. Thanks to automating the complex process of turning data into map graphics, we are able to create maps in higher quality, faster and cheaper than was possible before. Each map type offers different information and each map style is designed for a different purpose. A simplified map of nitrate occurrences in Abuja indicates that some areas have nitrate concentration above the WHO and NSDWQ guide limit of 50 mg/l and it is dominant in the rainy season than dry . Some rivers are centres of tourist attraction and may generate foreign exchange for a nation. It has mineral and agricultural resources and potential markets. Topography and Drainage. But there is good chance you will like other map styles even more. mh_fade_obrazky($$('#mmo_kwicks img'));
Les Editions J.A. For instance, a large sugarcane estate may transport sugarcane to the factory by railway. The National Mosque and National Church of Nigeria are opposite each other on either sid e of Independence Avenue. Famous Ashanlu publishers.Pp23-31. The origin of Ganagana is not really known. The situation was the same at Utako and Wuse Zone 6 areas. mh_atlas_img_load = (function() {
The soil of the upper slope occupies the highest point of the landscape. Since then it has been developing physically and in population. Both share a myth of common origin from an Igala prince, Ohimi who established the Panda Kingdom on the North bank of River Benue. document.write('
Mica: this mineral is found around villages of KabiMangoro and Kusaki. Lowlands: Lowlands refer to the areas below 300m above sea level. As a result, they are freely and severely drained and the depth is shallower than the middle slope. The city has high prospects for rapid social and economic growth in investment in industry and housing. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Look for these patterns when analyzing your map. Asokoro is to the east of Garki district and south of Central district. Use the buttons for Facebook, Twitter or Google+ to share a link to this shaded relief map of Abuja. The vegetation of the FCT is predominantly a savannah environment. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). mh_priprav_atlas(); Major highways are marked with wide white line. Rivers Niger, the largest river in Nigeria has its source from Guinea highlands in Guinea. The savannah vegetation is made up of savannah woodland, park savannah and shrub savannah. Karmo Cadastral Zone C01, Gwarimpa Cadastral Zone C02. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. The forest consists of predominantly woody plants and without grasses, while savanna is a vegetation type d ominated by perennial mesophytic grasses with flat basal and cauline leaves. There may be some large scale commercial agriculture in these areas. Just like any other image. })();
googletag.defineSlot('/114450422/Maphill_com_Map_misto_BTF_HalfPage_300x600', [300, 600], 'div-gpt-ad-Map-misto-BTF-HalfPage-300x600').addService(googletag.pubads());
Also, the Maitama District Hospital is another notable building in Maitama. });
Ibadan University Press. Man-made lake or artificial lake: These are lakes constructed by man. Explore the world.Discover the beauty hidden in the maps. Trees appear in very scattered locations. No, this is not art. In some rugged or mountainous regions you may find areas with footpaths or tracks but no roads. The ECOWAS Court has official quarters for the President and Members of the Court in Gwarimpa. The new United States Embassy is in the Garki district. Sometimes there are areas of small scale cultivation on steep slopes. Flood damage in southern Abuja, Nigeria, 12 September 2021. googletag.enableServices();
In areas with a gentle slope rivers flow slowly and meanders are common. There, he killed a big, hairless buffalo and named the place Kuzazaje, later shortened to Kuje. The main hilly areas are Agwai-Karu hills, Bwari-Aso hills, Gawu hills and Suleja hills. before you continue. //wg_jeste_co = 'ajax/nigeria/fct/abujamun/abuja/maps/shaded-relief-map/?_uvodni=1&_jtzs=a&_j[]=mm&_bi=1&_archiv=1';
It is interesting to the note that these ethnic groups lived and intermingled with one another. Pp70-84. These plants are adapted to survive in areas with brackish water. These underlie low relief regions. The Gbagyi people are said to have immigrated into the FCT after Bassa, Gade, and Koro had already settled in the territory. In areas that are flat or nearly flat, there may be swampy or marshy areas . Explore west African crafts or laze by the pool at the Transcorp Hilton Abuja hotel, located in the heart of Nigerias capital and 5 minutes drive from government ministries. The beginning and the end of the season is characterized by frequent occurrence of wind storms accompanied by thunder storms and lightening followed by strong wind and rainfall of high intensity, but may last for just 30 minutes and then replaced by drizzles for hours. Udi hills are made up of carboniferous sedimentary rocks. Switch to the detailed view for far more detailed navigation map with live traffic updates, GPS navigation and travel directions. Natural Lake: These are lakes which exist naturally. );
We also have alluvial deposits, found around Gurara flood plain where the river flows through the Nupe sandstone. Major settlements such as towns and cities are usually located in these areas. Maitama District is to the north of the city, with the Wuse and Central Districts lying to its southwest and southeast respectively. Relief is major influence in many aspects of our lives including the climate and where we choose to live. The value of Maphill lies in the possibility to look at the same area from several perspectives. FCT, apart from the main city is poorly served with infrastructures like good roads, pipe borne water, electricity, adequate security and so on. The number of maps is, however, not the only reason to visit Maphill. mh_atlas.set('se', 'atlas/8n30-8e30/maps/shaded-relief-map/'); Ceramic clay are also found in places like Ruboci, Yaba and Bwari. We unlock the value hidden in the geographic data. Lead: it is found mainly in Babban Tasha village of FCT. Many of them migrated to the present day FCT during the Habe Hausa period and settled along banks of River Usuma where some are still found today. Garki uses a distinctive naming convention of Area to refer to parts of Garki. Iron works are carried out by the Ganagana such as knives, hoes, dane guns, arrows and ornaments. The Koro of Zuba are the traditional guardians of Zuma rock which is regarded as a Supreme Being and protector by the indigenes of the FCT. It is most commonly found around Gwagwa plains, river valleys, Abuchi forest reserve, foot of rocky hill, etc. The rivers have potentials for irrigation as well as fishing and recreation, in addition to the usual municipal uses (Balogun, 2001). The detailed maps use the Mercator projection which preserves the shape of small areas better. In urbanised areas daily markets are operated. Omissions? It is located in the middle belt of Nigeria and almost at the centre of the country (Dawam, 2000). Common species here include Afzdia Africana, Anogeissus leiocarpus, Daniellia oliveri, Khaya senegalensis (Mahogany), etc. The Wuse Market is Abujas principal market (Zone 5). Shaded relief map shows landscape features, such as mountains, valleys and plateaus. When bricks are moulded and burnt, they constitute high quality bricks for building. The Federal Capital Territory was created in 1976 to replace Lagos since the latter was no longer suitable for the nations capital.
Water from these rivers is often used to supply these settlements with water. mh_atlas.set('e', 'atlas/9n00-8e30/maps/shaded-relief-map/'); for Jss1 2021/2022 Academic Session, Allocated Reg. Because of this, Lokoja is known as a confluence town. Rocks made up of granites and granitic gneiss. mh_fade_obrazky($$('.rlf'));
This is how the world looks like. Transcorp H ilton H otel, National Communications Commission Headquarters (NCC), National Universities Commission (NUC), National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) headquarters, National Power Holding Company, Merit House, Soil Conservation Complex, and Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC). RELIEF, DRAINAGE AND ASSOCIATED RIVERINE LANDFORMS IN KATSINA: A REGIONAL OVERVIEW By H. Ibrahim1 and M. Aliyu2 1Department of Geography,Umaru Musa Yaradua University, Katsina, Nigeria 2Department of Engineering, Federal Polytechnic Kaura Namaoda Corresponding Author: 08031531101, ABSTRACT Due to low infiltration capacity following torrential rains and run-offs, all these rivers experience flash floods during the rainy season.
Program Overview. Onokerhoraye, A.G.(2002), Population and Demography in Africa Atlases: Nigeria. Abuja is Nigeria's Federal Capital Territory and lies approximately between longitudes 646E to 737E and Latitudes 821N to 918N (Figure 1). It's neither this shaded relief map nor any other of the many millions of maps. As always, your key will also be useful. ad_bude_kolik = ad_divy.length;
A wellknown government office is the Ministry of Defense, popularly nicknamed Ship House. There is more lateral erosion and valleys are wider. This vegetation covers about 50 percent of the territory. Beside the national church is the headquarters of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). Luvisols: These are soils washed from hilly terrains to the foot of hills as foot-plains. Roads or railways may be built to provide access to large estates. Can you see evidence of settlements in or near areas where crops are grown? A new five-star hotel, Hawthorn Suites Abuja, is in Garki II. top: 50%;
p130-131. During the rainy season the maximum temperature is lower due to dense cloud cover. (pddng.length && pddng[0].hasClass('bzlk')) && !mh_touch) { // v obsahovych ne
Maitama District is home to many of the European embassies. (2002), Abuja, Federal Capital Territory in Africa Atlases: Nigeria. Often, in gently sloping or flat areas, the natural vegetation has been cleared away so the land can be used for other purposes. The only difference is the presence of more indigenes and varieties of goods sold on the market day. Get free map for your website. Scan your map carefully. Entisols: These soils are products of inselbergs and wooded hills. Dawam, P.D. //googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest();
Large scale commercial agriculture, such as growing sugarcane, often takes place in flat or gently sloping areas. The dominance of male sex in FCT population can partly be explained by the fact that migration into the city by active population in search of greener pastures is a strong factor, and men are generally more mobile than women. River Basins : River basin refers to the area generally drained by a river and its tributaries. These soils are reddish brown in the top layer and reddish in the subsoil layer of the summit. The people used to collaborate among themselves and were linked by rituals as in the case of Gbagyi polity of Karu and Gwandara state of Karshi. if (! Topic: Nigeria Physical Setting: Relief and drainage. Abbas G. Idriss called on residents take necessary precautions during the final period of the rainy season, to avoid driving or walking through flood water and relocate to higher ground when needed. The current FCT minister is Malam Muhammad Bello. Since it does not exist in an imaginary sphere, a book of this nature needs a geographical background to give some basic insights into the geographic region under consideration. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves. Therefore, areas that are poorly drained usually have distinct types of vegetation. The undulating nature of the terrain also affects the temperature patterns in the FCT. Therefore agriculture is an important occupation in the FCT particularly among the indigenous inhabitants. }); This is not just a map. Large settlements like towns or cities are usually found in flatter areas. But you can experience much more when you visit Abuja. This is distinct from Wuse Zone 2. $(document.body).getElements('.mmo_kwicks_obal div.obsah ul.sbk').each( function(d) {
These areas are often uninhabited or sparsely populated and there may be some small scale agriculture. Maphill is more than just a map gallery. Scan your map carefully. 2.2 relief and drainage the topography of the abuja is varied with the lowest. They also occur around the upper basins of the Robo and Afara Bokwoi, the Agwai Karu hills to the South East and parts of the Iku plains, Izom plains and the Gurara valley. These plants are adapted to survive in drier conditions. These are: (i) The Niger Basin (ii) The Benue Basin (iii) The Chad Basin (iv) The Cross River Basin (v) The South Atlantic Basin. Read about the styles and map projection used in the above map (Shaded Relief Map of Abuja). The Bassa people carry out fishing activities along River Usuma, Jabi and Gurara. On steep slopes water flows quickly, cutting downwards and creating steep sided V-shaped valleys. Water flows quickly, cutting downwards and creating steep sided V-shaped valleys the Court in Gwarimpa of! 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