I now have a win. From the fields and waterways of America, to the front lines of law enforcement, Remington shotguns continue to lead the way for the American way of life. Please see our. How can I purchase back issues Otherwise, its the same gun as the Hammer Coach. This is a handsome, 1899, This is a nice shotgun from a private collector. Rack the slide and the perp now has more tactical information about you than you have about him. If your in search of a rugged and reliable ak action magazine shotgun the fear 103 may be for you.These shotguns are similar in style to the famous russian saiga 12 but the garaysa brbrGauge 20 GaugebrBarrel Length 18.50brChokes Included CbrBarrel Length Range 18 to 18.99, brbrGauge 12 GaugebrBarrel Length 28brChamber 3.5brBarrel Length Range 28 to 28.99. One of my many shotguns is a Taurus Circuit Judge .410. Specifications Not every shooting/self defense is going to occur under perfect lighting while standing in front of a paper target that is not shooting back. Selected Walnut stocks, checkered grip and forend, Laminated Steel Barrels, engraved. This type of shotgun was once the preferred weapon to guard stagecoaches. In came the need for coach guns. Show Only with Pictures
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This is a neat little bead-sighted shotgun that handles well. Barrels ring. I suspect that 2 72-caliber muzzles staring you in the face is more intimidating than just one, if you are a felon. By it's serial number (2074) this was an early gun manufactured prior to 1890. Like the double-barrel version, the Triple Threat accepts Rem choke tubes, allowing for a different choke on each barrel, if desired. Ancestry Guns considers all of our antique firearms as non-firing, inoperable and/or inert. But then again not everyone can afford or has one, OR CAN GET ONE. Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 921 (a) (16) defines antique firearms as all guns made prior to 1899. True..the side-by-side is a fairly compact firearm, but there are a number of pump guns that are also equally, if not more, compact. The other option for a hammerless gun would be an elastic shell holder on the buttstock, chambers empty, and practice quickly loading. Bright bores with light pitting, measuring .727/700 both (imp. Which is good if your worried about penetrating through a wall and reduced recoil on user. The, Rare Remington Arms - 10 GA
Damacus Barrel
Barrel: 32"
Bore: Fair
LOP: 14"
SN: 104328, Early narrow action gun with 30x2 3/4" heavy damascus barrels, bores clean and bright as honed, L .740/.698 F R.740/702 F (lug marked 48 and 53). In reality, Jimmy, the blunderbuss was a single barrel gun, since the flared muzzle would preclude two barrels collimated side by side. Think of it this way the 12 gage is the same bore diameter as the 72 caliber Brown Bess musket of 1776, and the 20 gage is the same diameter as the 58 caliber Springfield and Enfield rifle-muskets of 1860. The double-barrel shotgun is an excellent all-around shotgun for defense use and ideal for many of us. But otherwise , thank you for the very technical legal advice as Im sure its a benefit to us all who did plan on shooting those fleeing from us when the opportunity came. coach guns this whole article just makes me laugh. This article was originally published in the Tactical Life Aug/Sept 2021 issue. Stoeger Coach Gun Supreme 12Ga 3" SxS AA-Grade Gloss Walnut Polished Nickel 20" Barrel (31 CZ-USA CZ Sharp-Tail Coach 12 Gauge Side-by-Side 20" Walnut 06417, Cz Sharp-tail, Cz 06418 Sharptail Sbs Coach 20 20 Fxd Cyl-cyl. Its legendary reliability is the heart of its popularity, as evidenced by the more than 13 million outdoorsmen, law enforcement officers, competitive shooters and home defenders who have chosen the never-say-die pump gun since its introduction in 1950. Guns Listing ID: 565528Being that it is almost 130 years old it is in good shape. The Triple Threat is the abbreviated version of the Triple Crown shotgun with 18.5-inch barrels. 12 Gauge (2 5/8), 32 inch nice decarbonized steel barrels with shootable bores choked modified and full. We wish we did not have to consider this, but sometimes we do. Ready?! This is a great training load. With a powerful firearm and an instant second shot, coupled with excellent handling qualities, these shotguns filled a real need. Ive seen people that could reload, open, drop, load, close and fan the hammers back, with machine-like speed, ready for rounds 3 and 4 almost as quickly as some of you can pump your Mossberg 500s. I carried a short double barrel 12 ga shotgun as a Police Officer and found the psychological effects of the appearance of a double barrel in the hands of an Officer is very effective at deescalating a situation. CZ-USA Hammer Coach 12ga 20" Black Chrome Barrel, 3" Chamber, Color Case Hardened Metal Fi 1115 Denix 1868 Wyatt Earp Double Barrel Coach Shotgun Replica, ONE OF 20 ITHACA's 37 & 87 SHOTGUNS 12Ga, Ata Shotguns-foxtrot Llc Etro, Ata Etro09 12ga Pump 18.5 Syn, LEGION USA SAIGA IZ-406 12GA AK SHOTGUN W/ DRAGUNOV STOCK & FOREARM. A hammer gun has to be cocked and under stress that might get you killed. The double-barrel is also fun to shoot. The bore isvery good. It will beat you up after a little while, and 3-inch turkey shells are going to make you know you shot them. The record shows Remington Ammunition has recently discovered an issue related to its 12-Gauge Premier Accutip ammo and issued a recall notice. Everything for sale on ima-usa.com is completely legal to own, trade, transport and sell within the United States of America. From the fields and waterways of America, to the frontlines and law enforcement, Remington shotgun innovation continues to lead the way for the American way of life. Cimarron Firearms has a reputation for their excellent reproductions of Old West pistols, rifles and shotguns. Grew up with 12 gauge, double barrel next to the front door. One of those guns I will never sell. The gun didnt do great on clays, but I can attribute that almost entirely to the shooter, not the gun. Something about those side-by-side barrels with the ears of the hammers sitting behind them just brings the scent of worn saddle leather to your nostrils as you squint against a non-existent glare. enable_page_level_ads: true The cost was very reasonable so the side by side was purchased and came home with me. It is my wifes primary home defense weapon. @ Philip If a perp is running away there is no lawful reason to fire on him. Everything is or, REMINGTON 1894 B GRADE 12GA 28 M/IC. The inserts contained their own extractors and had an index tab at the rear to insure alignment when removed and replaced. I keep a Stoeger Coach gun loaded with 3 000 buck by my bedside for things that go bump in the night. Rack the slide, if a round is already chambered, you loose a round, lets perp know your location. Hosted by. Though well worn, this rare shotgun contains a very fine Damascus pattern found on some of the high-grade English doubles. Additional photos by request. While it shoots great, the best aspect of this shotgun is the feel and the nostalgia. Also, if one restocks a standard pump such as a Remington 870 or a Mossberg 500, with pistol grips and no buttstock, even the ubiquitous pump gun gets pretty compact. E. Remington & Sons Model 1873 Grade I Double Barrel side lock hammer shotgun. Its in beautiful condition. Almost all double guns have internal hammer designs, which all serves to make the CZ Hammer Coach even cooler. Original Item: Only One Available. Instead, Remington offered an auxiliary rifle barrel insert. IMA considers all antique guns offered on our website as non-firing, inoperable and/or inert. The MODEL 870 is a workhorse with a heart of steel. My DP-12 holds 16 rounds of #3 buckshotquite a bit better than 2 rounds.
IMA works diligently to be aware of these ever changing laws and obeys them accordingly. Anyone know of any coach guns with ejectors? And I even used #4 in my .410 with excellent results. Extremely short defensive shotguns, like the Ithaca Auto & Burglar model, were popular until the National Firearms Act in 1934. The Hammer Coach comes with 20-inch cylinder choke barrels, which is right in the middle for coach-gun barrel length. He .Click for more info Seller: LeRoy Merz Antique Guns Area Code: 218 $23,500.00 Year after year, decade after decade, they withstand the test of time and conquer all rivals. This type of shotgun was once the preferredweapon to guard stagecoaches. Stoeger Coach Guns single and double trigger shotguns are based on the Old West stagecoach guards shotgun of choice. .036 & .005. This new Century Arms Catamount Fury is a semi-automatic shotgun which fires the 12 gauge shell. Probably manufactured between 1874 and 1878. These were made full length to fit the shotgun barrel, and made with a threaded portion extending beyond the muzzle of the shotgun barrel and held in place by a round nut keeping it centered in the shotgun bore. Other times, folks would buy full-size shotguns and cut the barrels down to the desired length. The load may be changed quickly if the problem is a dangerous animal such as a rattlesnake just outside the door or a predator such as a coyote farther away. mod). According to Charley Simmer this is the 31st one of these he has documented. Learned to fire it with some degree of accuracy by the time I was tall enough to reach the triggers. Gorgeous stocks and mint mirror bores, #115XXX
7LBS 13 OZ
2 1/2 DAH
1 1, "Remington 1894 CE Grade 12 Gauge shotgun. Game Wardens wouldnt keep let him the bear, but he did keep the newspaper clipping in his scrapbook. Law enforcement officers today have a wide selection of incredibly powerful tactical flashlights. Tactical Life Gun Magazine: Gun news, gun reviews and gun magazines for gun enthusiasts, military and law enforcement, You use of this website constitutes and manifests your acceptance of our. Back up is a High Standard.22 Derringer. I wouldnt be writing off that slide rack intimidation so quickly. 30" BARRELS DAMASCUS
GOOD CONDITION, Remington Arms Co., Ilion, NY
Remington Model 1900 K Grade 12 gawith 29 fluid steel barrels bored modified and improved cylinder mint bores. The barrels are 20-inches long. Center fire Black Powder cartridges of the period were available and are so marked on the inserts, Known examples are .38-55 centerfire and .40-70 centerfire. The pump shotgun and the self-loader are more complex, more expensive and more difficult to train with. I have a Circuit Judge .410 hanging on a hook on the back of the master bedroom door that is loaded with 00 buck, and on my patterning board..at hallway range it produces some very interesting patterns with those .32 caliber balls. The bottom has a, 30 inch ordinance steel barrels. The 12-gauge hits hard and may be your choice. shotgun: Notice that in the early Remington catalogs the Grade 3 is noted to be engraved and contains Laminated Steel barrels. I am convinced these are original 29, Make offer! All Model 1882 shotguns have extension View. Ireland Geo-Events Calendar Seller: The Exchange. & Sons for its use. That said, however, the politicians knew what happened, and when that onerous ban came up for review in 2004, it was quietly allowed to sunset its way out of existence. Bores are excellent. the future models of Remington hammer guns. Therefore, all of Ancestry Guns' antique guns may be shipped to all US States and most nations around the world. Just some thoughts to consider. Very Nice Remington Model 1894 Grade BE Double Gun, Grade 1 Remington Model 1889 Double Hammer 12 GA Steel Barrel Antique, REMINGTON ARMS CO 1894 AE GRADE 16 GA. 28" F/F, Remington 1889 Hammer SXS Shotgun 12GA Stk# A836, Remington 1894 BE Damascus Partially Restored 12 gauge, Remington 1894 BE Double Barrel SXS 12Ga Stk# A892, Remington Model 1894 Double Bbl. Bob, That may well be true and no argument there. This article was good food for thought and hopefully will help folks make good decisions. Some large agencies have used #4 exclusively for years, and they have not complained about stopping power. Just because you are small (she is 50 110lb) their is no need to fear a 12 ga.
ATTENTION: Please be aware of online merchants impersonating as direct Stoeger retailers. . For those in an urban setting, the shotgun with proper loads makes for a good Brooklyn special. It is extremely compact and possesses two 7-round magazines. It insures proper hand placement installs confidence eliminates grip torque and allows for tighter arrow groups. changed and is still quite tall. A correspondent tells me his western police department kept double-barrel shotguns in 20-gauge until at least the 1980s, along with pump-action 20-gauge shotguns.
The double barrel allows for a simpler (and faster weapon back to target with PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE, AND MORE PRACTICE) reload than most any handgun with less practice and will allow with quick follow up shotsshooting from the hip can and should be learned. There are 16 models in their coach gun line in both 12 and 20 gauge with different finish and stock options, all with 20-inch barrels. Affordable and powerful, it is worth a look. Of course, their use wasnt limited to stagecoaches. That is all, pretty much, still true. Rubber butt pad. CZ Hammer Coach 12g 20" Shotgun NEW (06130) Gun #: 939395544. You use what have you have and what you know. But then again carbines were not the topic of the article. We all want to think people are sane but they are NOT. This is an original antique circa 1875-1880 double-barreled shotgun with original 18 inch barrels commonly known as a "coach gun". Slide rack intimidation is now a thing of the past but a strobe light, green laser, and 14 quick rounds of buckshot is pretty damn intimidating!! To fire, cock the hammers and pull the trigger. Each hammer is cocked individually. action. Simply break open the action and load the shells then close the action. . They are sold as collectors items for historical display. Some years ago I bought a Spartan, 20 inch coach gun. Not eligible for payment with Paypal or Amazon. Condition is good but has a scratched stock
Pre-Owned - Remington 12 Gauge Shotgun
Action: Side by Side
Barrel: 28" Chopper Lump
Capacity: Rare grade 3 gun w very low SN (160) with a good amount of nicely done scroll engraving and fine 30" damascus barrels w 2 3/4" chambers. Everything is or, Remington offered an auxiliary rifle barrel insert that might you... Newspaper clipping in his scrapbook Coach 12g 20 & quot ; shotgun new ( )! On clays, but sometimes we do quot ; shotgun new ( 06130 ) gun #:.... Which is right in the night enough to reach the triggers.727/700 both ( imp side. Was good food for thought and hopefully will help folks make good decisions new ( 06130 ) gun:! Transport and sell within the United States of America these he has documented antique offered. Sons Model 1873 Grade I double barrel side lock Hammer shotgun is noted to aware! Makes for a hammerless gun would be an elastic shell holder on the Old West,! 2 72-caliber muzzles staring you in the middle for coach-gun barrel length buckshotquite. Buckshotquite a bit better than 2 rounds own extractors and had an index tab at the to. 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